Monday, October 31, 2011

dude! listen here >>

cerita kahwen

alhamdulillah kaklong dah kahwen ngan abg long...ahhahaha..secara rasminye berlaku 29 oct.2011 di masjid al shafie di maluri sabtu lepas...wou meriah gyleww' gylew pon x meriah cam ghini....swonok la sedare mare sume dtg....terjumpe kawan lame yg dok maran mira yg dulu gomocks' skarang perfghhhhhhhhhh! kuwos doe'..x sangka aQ' boleyh dye diet..laen muke..mata nmpak besO' hebat..pas uh jumpe sdara mare lama ..dari sabah sume..kawan2 papa cina,melayu ,dato2 pon dtg..ptot ar ayah aQ sebok nak uat sgt gift untok VIP meja VIP bagai...aQ igt spe Lah sgt VIP nye upenye dato' ketua polis seremban ade,dato'2x lah aQ x kenal tp ade La yg familiar gak muke....6,5 org hadiah bnyak woooooaaa!..duet xyah cakap La...untong besoo woauuuu lahir anak pompuan gahahhagahgahaghagahgahahaghagahagg!!! kayo2x ngan majlis kahwen je bawahahhaha siOt jew...skali 2 beg nak angkot duet kaw TAWW!...mau nye x risau di curi org seb' baek selamaat!....ahhaha then makan2x .....kawan aQ Q-na actually nak tggu pengatin ptot nye kol 1pm dah smpai tp lambat pulak kol 2 bawu arrive so Q-na balik la dulu ngan sowng agy kawan aQ farah shahera masing2 bawa adek pompuan masing2 ahhaha thnks hadir..aQ hajak yg dekat2 je kawan aQ....after tht kol 2 pengatin sampai...phewwwit cun akak aQ ahhahha make up tebal nak mampos...dah macam bukan akaK aq....pelamin comey..cantek ar...yeLa pelamin bayo beribu xkan La burok an...mmg mintak penampak' aR kalo bayo beribu pelamin sakai'...oh lupe pelamin yg sebelom neyh aQ post tu pelamin akag nikah yg warne kuning uh..yg pelamin kahwen wrna pink,purple...sweet mcm gula2 lolipop!..ahha...then aQ habes kan mase lelepak ngan sepupu yg gylew mcm tanjung rambutan tu je La...pangai masing otak masok air..bukan air biase..air loji punya! bwhahahhhaa....pasto dah selesai majlis fUhhHHh! photographer dye terbaik ..sporting..padahal sowang2 je snap pic. habes sume sudut dye snap...setiap sedare maare aQ dpt masok dlm pic..tukang photographer ni jenis x 'dok senyap cakap x habes2x..berjalan je kejer..nk carik sudut terbaek lAH katekan'..nak dye punye page ni ha SAM RAIS SHOOT dye mmg 5 bintang ar bg aQ' xtaw la org laen an..sbb jenis yg buleh kaw team..then malam uh semua lepak umah aQ... riuh rendah guLane Lorhhhh!..yg sepupu2 sume lepak bilik aQ..tgk wayang..yg x brape nak wayang....n the finally thnksssssss sume yg hadir majlis kahwen akak ku.....wish untok kak long agar bahagia sepanjang hayat!...

to see MORE scene of this wedding picture,you can go at Zem Azizan The Scene site .there are SO many coolest picture!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


wanted for this actually its eos 60D yeah!!! freaking aweesoommee!but my canon 600D is still my lover ever baby..LOLX!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

faster as be!

tu dia pelamin akad nikah suda smpai....not bad La...ptg tu mula2 aQ ikot family pegi amek baju kak long kahwen kt putrajaya after tht g jalan TAR beli baju mlayu adik ngan baju baju ibu x jumpe...then pegi straight ke kajang amek telor kahwen lak..smpai KL smule g jusco maluri beli cadar bagai2 lak..pas uh malm too bawu la smpai umah..n sejam kol 9 x silap org pelamin dtg wat pelamin kat dalam umah ... mule2 igt xboleyh nak pasang sbb umah aQ jenis pendek nyaris2 nak smpai ke lampo syilling umah aQ.. seb baik panjang 6 kaki je so boleyh la ..gak..pasto siap..wahh..cantik..wrna kuning2 la..theme akak aQ akad nikah wrne kuning...then mlm uh wat bunga telor siap kan sume mlm smlm gak..sbb mak aQ malas nak lmbt2 kan mase sbb lusa je kowt! warghhh!..excited neyh..then lame2 uh tgh2 dyeorg wat bunga telor ...pergh ngantok kowt'.aQ tros naek atas tido ahahh....pasto xtaw ar ape yg dyeorg buat agy,...hurm actually hari ni mak aQ wat kenduri arwah...pggil sedare mare je....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(Titanic Theme)

budak yang berbakat dari korean maen insturmen lagu celine dion my heart will go on.. best ..aQcopy dari kawan aQ wella dalam FB dye hehhe..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

just next week :0

akak aQ da nak kahwen mmgu depan 27-28 persiapan umah dah ok cume tggu pelamin mmg sesak ar nak kemas umah...bgai2 berlaku...27 tu nnt angkat nikah then 28 baru kat dewan persandingan tyme tu free la x kelam kabot sgt2x...then bebawu neyh sebok cat umah..pergh sakai gylew org indon yg ayah aQ pggil tu bukan nk dtg ..mcm siaL La!...agak2 La siket...after tht last2 jugak aQ mak aQ yg kena cat bilik kak long uh'..bapak penat...kemas kat atas..sume kotak2 bawak kuar..yang dah x guna simpan dalam store mmg serabai ar..dr pagi xmandi smpai la ptg hamek!!..kemas bagai ar nak dikatekan..pasto mak aQ gubah2 bunga ngan kak ngah...alih dah macam2 alih umah uh'...swonok2 gak la tp leteh...

urm actually aQ after kak long kahwen ni aQ igt nak kejer ar bosan nk sambong blajar..aQ x SUKE BELAJAR!@@!#@ faham!..benci belajar!!..igt nak kejer ape2 jeLa...b4 tu myb rabu depan igt nak g kolej aQ nak amek sume sijil2 aQ smule file2 document ke pelahap kt kolej yg aQ da x amek uh nak sign..then sume satle! sonang....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

medicine for us

Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.

Surah Yaseen protects one from the thirst of the Day of Judgment.

Surah Waqi’ah protects one from poverty and starvation.

Surah Mulk protects one from the punishment of the grave.

Surah Kauthar protects one from the enmity of the enemy.

Surah Kafiroon protects one from Kufr at the time of death.

Surah Ikhlas protects one from hypocrisy.

Surah Falaq protects one from calamities.

Surah Naas protects one from evil thoughts.

Ketika Allah rindu pada hambanya, Allah akan mengirimkan sebuah hadiah istimewa melalui malaikat Jibril yang isinya adalah ujian…

credit Tumblr. by imaan -daar

Monday, October 10, 2011

oh married !

sebelom berlakunye 27 october 2011 ...pergh!!! ko hengat senang nak kawen?? hamek..bapak ar penat punye preparation..100% hasil tnGan kLaurge sendiri.but the pelamin je La..yg Laen2 sume kteorg yg buat paling the MOST of coz La MAK Aq,kak ngah ngan aQ >> paling byk mengeluar kan peloh bagai..bayangkan gubahan bunga kat umah yang besar uh buat sendirik nak tempah mau nye 700$ up! nak kena bayo'mahaL ...hias rumah sumeyh nak kasik ruang kasik luas macam2 haL berLAKU siap2 gadoh2 agy hebat hasil seni kak ngah aQ ngan mak aQ..gubah bunge mak aQ La...hehe dan tukang ubah kedudukan umah aQ La...kaLo nak taw berminggu berturot2 org air-con,cat,tukang bela paip ape la bagai2 datang umah bawu jup td owg elektrek dtg baiki...mmg mess habes La!!pasto gift un wat sendirik dah la gedabak byk uat cmner first tyme dlm kluarge aQ mngalami bnda hebat neyh ... lagi kena angkat kerusi naek atas...semue..mmg penat2 sgt2x...xtaw mau ckp ape Lagi prepation tahap gaban...then bawu jup td aQ g test baju melayu purple theme untok family aQ...ahhah hensem doe'..bwahhaaha hensem ke? (PERSOALANNYE)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

stocky born babies

wanted to story it jugak La....kucing aQ si stocky dah JD papa da pown..dLam dyam dye membuntingkan kucing betine warne puteh...pndai kaw memilih pasangan yag lawO2x yer...then si betine tu un asyek2 menyebok je bersnadar2 an kt umah aQ..then oficially dye pown menJD ahli kluarge baru kt umah aQ...yeLa si jantan tu kena la tanggong risiko..past skunk dah un lahirkan anak dua ekor ..sekor gugor'..sedeyh2x...xpasti jantan ke betine?? but its cuteeeee! buLat2 badan kucing uh..mate biru ikot mak dye ...yg kLakar nye mak dye x abes masok umah aQ cari port nak sorokan anak dye..bukak je pintu blakang umah dye masok..pasto kena haLau..buka je lg cari port pasto kena halau dan selanjutnye btoL ke fakta mengatakan kucing putih bermata biru pekak??..aQ pggil elok je dye dengO' suare di perlahan sikit..agaknye kucing betina melayu tersulong owtt'?? hehhehhe...btw happy family cat?! ntah Lorh x taw nak buboh namer ape..agak2 ape herk>>??,


Steve Jobs, World-Altering Apple Innovator, Dies at 56
by Juli Weiner

Like many of you, we learned of Steve Jobs’s death on a MacBook. At hundreds of points throughout tens and thousands of days, our lives were made better and more beautiful because of Jobs’s products. “Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives,” Apple said in a statement regarding its co-founder and former C.E.O, who was 56. “The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.”

MacBook in lap, glowing and warm, we immediately returned to Jobs’s 2005 Stanford commencement speech, “How to Live Before You Die”:

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960’s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.’ It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself.”

There were few hungrier. Rest in peace.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

baca & teliti

bnda neyh aQ copy paste dari kawan aQ punye FB..mnarik gak La status dye then aQ decide nak paste kat blog aQ sbb bnda cam ghini sLaLu berlaku kt semua org termasok aQ....>>

Bila kita jadi jahat, ORANG BENCI...
Bila jadi baik, ORANG MELUAT...

Bila kita ikut suruhan agama, ada orang kata kita BERLAGAK ALIM...
Bila kita langgar suruhan agama, ada orang kata "ASTAGHFIRULLAH.. APA LAA NAK JADI.. NAK KIAMAT KOT?..."
Bila kita ikut peraturan, ada orang kata kita SKEMA...
Bila kita langgar peraturan, ada orang kata kita ni macam TAKDE MASA DEPAN...

Bila kita tegur dengan baik, ada orang kata kita ni BAJET BAGOS...
Bila kita tegur dengan kasar, ada orang kata kita ni KURANG AJAR...

Bila kita pakai sopan-sopan, ada orang kata kita ni 'KAMPONG GILERR'...
Bila kita pakai 'dedah sana-sini'.. ada orang kata kita ni TAKDE HARGA DIRI sebab tayang free...

Bila kita bagi nasihat, ada orang kata "JANGAN SIBUK JAGA TEPI KAIN ORANG, BOLEH?!....."
Bila kita sindir-menyindir, ada orang kata "TAK RETI BAGI NASIHAT LEKLOK?.."...

Bila kita tolong buat kerja, ada orang kata "YANG SEBOK SANGAT NAK TOLONG BUAT KEJE ORANG LAIN NI WATPE!?"...
Bila kita tak tolong apa-apa, ada orang kata "APSAL PEMALAS SANGAT NI? NAK TOLONG PON SUSAH?"..

Dan sebenarnya ramai orang lain tak berpuas hati dengan diri kita. Apa yang kita buat semua salah. Semuanya tak betul di mata mereka.. Kalau buat salah sudah tentunya salah, tetapi jika buat baik pun masih ada yang mengata.. ingat pesanan ini :- Keputusan yang kita ambil, langkah yang kita mula.. perkara pertama yang perlu kita fikirkan ialah pandangan Allah SWT terhadap kita.. bukan pandangan manusia